среда, 20 сентября 2017 г.

Trump Says Decision Made on Iran Deal, Won't Say What it Is

Trump Says Decision Made on Iran Deal, Won't Say What it Is

  • Jimmy Carter gave the freedom away for the Iranian people and gave them over to a Muslim dictatorship of Ayatollahs. Obama gave the Ayatollahs the ability to become the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world, including advising the fatboy "rocket man" of NK.
    I am glad President Trump is revisiting the worse agreement for the U.S. in our history. Make America Safe...Again!
      • Avatar
        President Trump has tapped into the American psyche. That is what is so disturbing and disruptive to the 'Swamp Rats', both Democrat and Republican. What person, with an IQ above 10, would not recognize that the Iranian deal is a path to a nuclear armed terrorist state?

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