суббота, 16 сентября 2017 г.

President Trump needs to gather a team of dozens of top lawyers to gather evidence on queen hillary.

President Trump needs to gather a team of dozens of top lawyers to gather evidence on queen hillary.She broke so many laws,putting national security at risk,selling uranium,ignoring the conflict in Benghazi resulting in American deaths,murders of others,etc.LOCK HER UP!!!Then there's obama,who signed so many EO,many which I think are against our constitutional rights(illegal immigrants have more rights in our country then Americans do now,just like Europe!!!)Don't forget loretta lynch and her pal jimmy.THEY ALL NEED TO BE LOCKED UP!!!If I steal a candy bar,I go to jail.All of the above mentioned broke major laws and they need to be held accountable.They all need to go to prison and lose their government pensions.I don't like being forced to pay for criminals to live a life of luxury at tax payer expense.As for the investigation on Trump,I'm still waiting to hear even a trivial bit of collusion with the Russians.What about investigating queen hillary selling uranium to Russia for millions of dollars deposited in her bank account.If that is not collusion AND putting national security at risk,too,I don't know what is.

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