суббота, 2 сентября 2017 г.

don't allow the left to call Trump a liar based on the method of spying and semantics.

On Jan 20 the NYT front page said that Trump Tower was "wire tapped" and that was an ignorant article! No sophisticated intelligence agency would employ such an antiquated method to intercept communications. But, make no mistake that the use of FISA court warrants and other means utilized by CIA, NSA, and FBI were absolutely used to capture (directly or backdoor) all of Trumps campaign team during and after the election! Rice, Powers, and several others in the Obami administration than routinely requested and were granted permission to unmask these communications. Clapper, Brennan, and Rodgers were all complicit with this unmasking. Much of this documentation has mysteriously ended up in the Obami Library which is sealed for five years.
Please don't allow the left to call Trump a liar based on the method of spying and semantics. Spying on political foes is spying any way you call it!!

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