вторник, 1 августа 2017 г.


  • I have been reading a lot of the posts on this forum, and one thing strikes me as curious. That happens to be that Sen.Joe McCarthy was right a long time ago when he was outing the Communists in Hollywood and other places. If the committee had listened to McCarthy there would not have been such an influx of Communists in Congress and the Democrat party. It all started with FDR then the Kennedy's, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. 
    The latter of those Obama was worse than a Communist he is a Muslim and every thing he did while in office was to praise the Muslim brotherhood and even supported countries like Iran, Libya, Palistinians, but he demeaned the United States every chance he got, and those that voted for him not once but twice are just as bad as he was, because they are getting something for nothing without having to work for it including illegal immigrants.
    Welfare, Food stamps, and Social Security was handed out to illegals like candy. Obama told at least 65 lies about different issues, and he caused enormous job losses in the Coal and Fracking industries, and purchased oil from a Muslim country Saudi Arabia although the United States has the biggest oil reserves in the world. By far the biggest two lies he told was on Obamacare when he made these two statements; "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and, "if you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare." Two of the biggest whoppers of all time. 
    To all you naysayer Democrats on this opinion page I suggest you quit taking money from Soros and post on your own socialist forums, and leave the truth to the rest of us. If you want proof of Obama's lies I will be glad to post them for you.

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