четверг, 17 августа 2017 г.

As American Citizens you should be ashamed of yourselves

I'm a naturalized Citizen, many years ago. Possibly before some of you on the left on this site were able to talk. As American Citizens you should be ashamed of yourselves for so blatantly hoping to bring the President, and in fact his administration "down". You try to pass yourselves off as loving America but you behave like 3rd world people who are unaware of the reality of the rest of the world. If you loved America you would want the government to be successful, even if there are issues that you disagree with. Bringing down the government or trying to stop it from achieving good things for the country, does NOT a loving or proud American make. I seriously think there's something wrong with you.
If you dislike America so much, move somewhere else. But, that probably wouldn't be something you'd like to do, because you know you're much better off here. Why don't you honestly show some love of country, and just keep quiet, instead of being so belligerent and anarchistic.

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